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What is a tilt table test?

A tilt table test is a test done to evaluate symptoms of syncope (fainting). If you have syncope, your healthcare provider will carefully evaluate your past medical history and do a physical exam. If the results of the exam or history do not show a cause for the syncope, and you have no history of heart disease, then further test may be scheduled.

Why might I need the tilt table test?

You may need a tilt table test if you have recurring fainting and other causes were ruled out. Syncope, or fainting, may be caused by various medical problems. Syncope may occur rarely to frequently, depending on the cause. Some causes of syncope may include:

 Arrhythmia. This is when a heart rate is too slow, too fast, or is irregular.
 Structural heart disease (problems of the heart muscle or valves).
 Heart attack (also called myocardial infarction or MI).
 Cardiomyopathy ventricular dysfunction. This is a weakness or failure of the pumping function of the ventricles
 Vasovagal syndrome. This is a sudden drop in blood pressure with or without a decrease in heart rate.